Florida Public Adjusting Services
"We work for the Customer NOT the Insurance Company"
We make sure that you, the policyholder, receive full and fair compensation for your insurance claim. We do this by working with you to document your damages, compile all the necessary paperwork, and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Our Public Adjusters know the ins and outs of Florida insurance companies to get the money you deserve.
Florida Mold Damage Claims
With Years of Experience Helping People Like You
Get The Money They Need to Repair Their Homes.
Every Year in Florida Homeowners suffer billions of dollars from Mold Damage. Many people are not even aware that they can file a claim for this type of damage. Home Safe Claims is a public adjuster that specializes in helping homeowners get the money they deserve for mold damage.
Mold Damage Claims are Dangerous to your Health and your Home
A public adjuster can help file a mold damage insurance claim and help get you the money you need to repair the damage. Mold is a very dangerous substance that can cause a lot of health problems. Many times, mold will go undetected until it has caused significant damage. Some of the damages that may occur from mold are:
Health Problems
Damage to Structure
Damage to Contents
We are experts at estimating the damages caused by mold and helping you get the settlement you are entitled to from your insurance company.
Why You should choose Home Safe Claims are your Mold Claims Adjuster?
We have a team of experienced professionals who will help you through the entire process.
We know what to look for when filing a mold damage claim and will make sure you get the most money possible.
We are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have.
We are mold damage experts and will make sure you get the best treatment possible.
We have a high success rate in getting our clients money for their damages.
We have been helping homeowners get the money they deserve for mold damage for years.
If you are in need of a mold damage adjuster, please call us today.
We would be happy to help you get the money you need to repair your home.
Call us at 1-800-948-2849.
4 Common Mistakes People Make With Their Mold Damage Claims
1. Not knowing they can file a claim at all
Many people are not even aware that they can file a claim for this type of damage.
2. Waiting too long to file a claim
Mold damages can often get worse over time, so it is important to file a claim as soon as possible. We can help you do this quickly and easily.
3. Not getting an estimate from a professional
It is important to get an estimate from a professional before filing a claim for mold damage. This will help you get the most money possible from your insurance company. We will send you a qualified professional who can help.
4. Thinking that their insurance company will cover the damages automatically
Many people think that their insurance company will cover the damages automatically, but this is often not the case.
If you have suffered mold damage in your home, it is important to know that you may be able to file a claim for compensation. Many people are not aware that they can file a claim for this type of damage, and as a result, they miss out.
Mold Damage Adjuster FAQs
1. What is a Mold Damage Claim?
A mold damage claim is a type of insurance claim that can be filed for damages caused by water leaks or flooding . This type of claim can be filed for both residential and commercial properties.
2. How Much Money Can I Get?
The amount of money that you can get from a mold damage claim depends on the severity of the damage. The amount can range from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars.
3. What Should I Do If I Have Mold Damage?
If you have mold damage, you should contact a public adjuster immediately. We are a team of public adjusters that specialize in helping homeowners get the money they deserve for mold damage.
For more information, please call us at 1-800-948-2849.
4. How long does it take to process a mold damage claim?
It can take several weeks or months to process a mold damage claim. It all depends on the insurance company and the severity of the damage.
5. What should I do if my insurance company denies my mold damage claim?
If your insurance company denies your mold damage claim, you may want to call us. We have an attorney that can help you file a lawsuit against your insurance company.